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Refugee Ladies' Foundation svg4446
Child Protection Education Food and Nutrition
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The Refugee ladies’ foundation (RELAF) is a self-led organization of ordinary refugee young ladies and girls from diverse qualifications with ladies’ and girls living with infirmities, widows and ladies without any income. It was founded in 2020 by a group of refugee women and girls existing in Dzaleka Camp, survivors of various civil wars in the DRC, Burundi, Rwanda, Somalia and Ethiopia who have knowledgeable different forms of gender-based violence, exploitation and abuse in their families and communities. As person in exile ourselves, we created RELAF as a solution to the challenges women and girl face in the camp. We start a positive cycle in which refugee women and girls are considered not as simple recipients of services and support, but as actors of change for themselves and their communities. We are therefore committed to empowering the most disadvantaged and highly marginalized refugee women and girls claim their rights, challenge discriminatory attitudes, behavior, and harmful traditional practices; and overcome poverty and other hardships. The RELAF was legally registered as a Community Based Organization on 25th January, 2022 with the Dzaleka Camp Manager, under Reg. No. Ref.No. DRC/RAS/08/056,

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